姓名:曹卓坤 性别:男 出生年月:1982.4 政治面貌 中共党员
职称: 副教授
学习经历:1999.9-2003.7 东北大学材料与冶金学院 本科学习
2003.9-2008.3 东北大学研究生院 研究生学习
工作经历:2007.7-今 东北大学 教师
近年来讲授课程:1、环境概论 本科生
2、生产实习 本科生
3、材料先进制备技术 研究生
科研项目情况:国家自然科学基金项目: 高吸能性泡沫铝材料制备基础研究
教育部新教师基金项目: 高吸能性泡沫铝材料研究
1.Zhuo-kun Cao, Bing Li, Guang-chun Yao, Yong Wang, Fabrication of aluminum foam stabilized by copper coated carbon fibers, Materials Science and Engineering A, 2008, A486(1-2):350-356
2.Cao Zhuokun, Yao Guangchun, Liu Yihan, Effect of coating thickness on microstructures and mechanical properties of C/Cu/Al composites, TRANSACTIONS OF NONFERROUS METALS SOCIETY OF CHINA, 2006, 16(s3): 1481-1484
3.Cao Zhuokun, Du Jinjing, Yao Guangchun, Preparation and mechanical properties of super light aluminum foam, Materials Forum, 2010, 650:320-323
4.Cao Zhuokun, Du Jinjing, Yao Guangchun,Structure evolution of aluminum foams during foaming process, EPD Congress 2010, 2010: 513-518
5.Cao Zhuokun, Li Bing, Yao Guangchun, Liu Yihan, Foam structure and mechanical properties of AlCu5Mn foam, Aluminum alloys: Fabrication, Characterization and Application, 2008: 225-229
6.Cao Zhuokun, Yao Guangchun, Liu Yihan, Study on the tensile property of copper coated carbon fibers, Characterization of Minerals, Metals and Materials, 2007:52-58
7.Cao Zhuokun, Yao Guangchun, Liu Yihan, Effects of heat treatment on microstructure and tensile properties of C/Cu/Al composites, Advanced Metallic Composites and Alloys for High Performance Applications, 2007:137-141
8.Cao Zhuokun, Yao Guangchun, Liu Yihan, Fabrication of carbon fibers reinforced aluminum foam, Aluminum Alloys for Transportation, Packaging, Aerospace and Other Applications, 2007: 25-31
9.Zhuokun Cao, Lisi Liang, Guangchun Yao, Modification of aluminum foams for auto-mobile noise control, Cellular Materials, 2010: 258-263
10. Cao Zhuokun, Liu Huan, Liu Yihan, Yao Guangchun, Improving high temperature property of aluminum foams by nick coating, TMS Proceedings 2011:71-76
11. Zhuokun Cao, Chuan Li, Hongjie Luo, Guangchun Yao, Expansion and collapse of aluminum foams, EPD Congress 2011,2011: 701-706