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功能陶瓷材料 、纳米材料

放大字体  缩小字体        中国有色金属网       发布日期:2013-07-11   浏览次数:68


姓名:李晓东  性别: 男 出生年月:1971年11月
       政治面貌 群众

主要研究方向:1、功能陶瓷材料 2、纳米材料

    学习经历:1989年9月-1993年7月 东北大学材料系 获学士学位

1993年9月-1996年3月 东北大学材料系 获硕士学位

2001年4月-2004年3月  日本鸟取大学     获博士学位
    工作经历:1996年4月-2000年1月 东北大学材料与冶金学院 教师

2004年4月——          东北大学材料与冶金学院 教师

2000年1月-2000年10月 日本大阪工业研究所 进修

2006年1月-2006年3月 The University of Western Australian                                                             访问学者

2010年1月-2011年1月   Stanford University     访问学者
近年来讲授课程:1、《特种陶瓷材料学》  本科生 2006,2007,2008,2009,2011

                2、《材料复合原理》   研究生 2007,2008,2009,2011




1. Jingbao Lian, Xudong Sun, Xiaodong Li. Synthesis, characterization and photoluminescence properties of (Gd1-x,Eux)2O2SO4 sub-microphosphors by homogeneous precipitation method, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 125(3): 479-484 (2011);

2. Ji-Guang Li, Qi Zhu, Xiaodong Li, Xudong Sun, Yoshio Sakka. Colloidal processing of Gd2O3:Eu3+ red phosphor monospheres of tunable sizes: Solvent effects on precipitation kinetics and photoluminescence properties of the oxides, Acta Materialia, 59(9): 5688-3696 (2011);

3. Q. Zhu, J.-G. Li, C. Zhi, R. Ma, T. Sasaki, J.X. Xu, C. H. Liu, X.D. Li, X.D. Suna and Y. Sakka. Nanometer-thin layered hydroxide platelets of (Y0.95Eu0.05)2(OH)5NO3·xH2O: exfoliation-free synthesis, self-assembly, and the derivation of dense oriented oxide films of high transparency and greatly enhanced luminescence, Journal of Materials Chemistry, 21(19): 6903-6908 (2011);

4. Jingbao Lian, Xudong Sun, Ji-Guang L, Xiaodong Li. Synthesis, characterization and photoluminescence properties of (Gd0.99,Pr0.01)2O2S sub-microphosphor by homogeneous precipitation method, Optical Materials,   33(4): 596-600 (2011);

5. Xiaodong Li, Yonghua Leng, Ji-Guang Li, Zhimeng Xiu, Di Huo, Xudong Sun. Acidic Hydrothermal Conversion of Degussa P25 into Rutile Nanocrystals and Particle Morphology Control, Current Nanoscience, 6(1): 110-115 (2010);

6. Xiaodong Li, Xudong Sun, Ji-Guang Li, Zhimeng Xiu, Tie Gao, Yinong Liu, Xiaozhi Hu. Characterization of high gadolinium Y0.6Gd1.34Eu0.06O3 powder and fabrication of transparent ceramic, International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology, 7(S1): E1–E8 (2010);

7. Xiaodong Li, Ji-Guang Li, Zhimeng Xiu, Di Huo, Xudong Sun. Effects of Gd3+-substitution on the fabrication of transparent (Y1-xGdx)3Al5O12 ceramics, Journal of American Ceramic Society, 93(8) 2229-2235 (2010);

8. Qi Zhu, Ji-Guang Li, Chunyi Zhi, Xiaodong Li, Xudong Sun, Yoshio Sakka, Dmitri Golberg, Yoshio Bando. Layered Rare-Earth Hydroxides (LRHs) of (Y1-xEux)2(OH)5NO3·nH2O (x=0-1): Structural Variations by Eu3+ Doping, Phase Conversion to Oxides, and the Correlation of Photoluminescence Behaviors, Chem. Mater., 22 (14): 4204–4213 (2010);

9. Shaohong Liu, Xudong Sun, Ji-Guang Li, Xiaodong Li, Zhimeng Xiu, He Yang, Xiangxin Xue. Fluorine- and Iron-Modified Hierarchical Anatase Microsphere Photocatalyst for Water Cleaning: Facile Wet Chemical Synthesis and Wavelength-Sensitive Photocatalytic Reactivity, Langmuir, 26 (6): 4546–4553 (2010);

10. Xiaodong Li, Ji-Guang Li, Zhimeng Xiu, Di Huo, Xudong Sun. Transparent Nd:YAG ceramics fabricated using nano-sized g-alumina and yttria powders, Journal of American Ceramic Society, 92(1): 241-244 (2009);

11. Xiaodong Li, Ji-Guang Li, Di Huo, Zhimeng Xiu, Xudong Sun. Facile synthesis under near-atmospheric conditions and physicochemical properties of hairy CeO2 nanocrystallines, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 113 (5): 1806-1811 (2009);

12. Zhigang Liu, Xiaodong Li, Yonghua Leng, Jingbao Lian, Shaohong Liu, Zhimeng Xiu, Di Huo, Ji-Guang Li,and Xudong Sun. Homogeneous precipitation synthesis and magnetic properties of cobalt ferrite nanoparticles, Journal of Nanomaterials, doi:10.1155/2008/921654 (2009);

13. Qi Zhu, Ji-Guang Li, Xiaodong Li, Xudong Sun. Morphology-dependent crystallization and luminescence behavior of (Y, Eu)2O3 red phosphors,  Acta Materialia, 57(20): 5975-5985 (2009)

14. Shaohong Liu, Xudong Sun, Ji-Guang Li, Xiaodong Li, Zhimeng Xiu, and Di Huo. Synthesis of dispersed anatase microspheres with hierarchical structures via homogeneous precipitation, European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2009 (9): 1214–1218 (2009)

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